"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Monday 28 November 2011

A Child's Question contd ..

The bible tells us that the promised Messiah was to come from the Royal line of David. But in the Old Testament the degeneration and wickedness of the kings of Judah was so bad that God pronounced a blood curse on the line of Kings!

In Jeremiah 22:30 Thus says the LORD: 'Write this man down as childless, A man who shall not prosper in his days; For none of his descendants shall prosper, Sitting on the throne of David, And ruling anymore in Judah.'. So for God to say that the Messiah would come from David's line must now seemed impossible!

However, a close investigation of the genealogies outlined in Matthew and Luke are identical from Abraham to King David. When they get to David the two genealogies take different paths.

The genealogy in Matthew goes through Solomon the son of Bathsheba; through Rehoboam and down the line to Jehoiachin whose son Jeconiah, was the subject of this blood line curse from God. The blood line finally ends in Matthew with Joseph, who is the legal father of Jesus but not the blood father. Jesus in accordance with Jewish law is only the legal son of Joseph with no rights to the lineage of King David.

When Luke gets to King David he traces the genealogy to Jesus through Nathan, the second surviving son of Bathsheba, and on through Heli the father of Mary and the father-in-law of Joseph.

Why is this important? This is an application of the provision in the Torah where the daughters of Zelophehad (numbers 27: 1-11 ; Joshua 17: 3-6) in which the father of the bride adopts her husband as His son. So although the Holy Spirit was the father of Jesus, by adoption Jesus became the legal son of Heli who was in the in the genealogy of King David that did not have this blood curse. The Virgin Birth hinted at in Genesis 3:15 and prophesied in Isaiah gets round the seemingly impossible problem of the blood curse on Jeconiah.

By this the God Man who is Jesus came to earth to seek and to save sinners.

In my next and last post on this topic I will add what I consider to be the most important aspect as to why the the Holy Spirit and not Joseph had to be the father of the Lord Jesus. Some aspects of my next post I have never heard or read about but I believe that the the Lord gave me an insight that you can either prayerfully accept or reject. Until the next post take care my friends. The Lord bless you.

Finally ............ a thought for today

Through the cross, Jesus rescued and redeemed the rebellious.