"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday 9 June 2009

On Holiday

I am sitting in Southern Spain as I write this. I am looking out over the Mediterranean sea, listening to the sounds of the children in the swimming pool mixed with the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. The photo has just been taken from my room, using the webcam on the computer.

Years ago I would have been thrilled to be here. It would have been magical, but now, I confess that I have become blasé about going on holiday. I rarely every think about the holiday before I get to the airport to catch the flight. I rarely count my annual holiday as a blessing!

I wonder how many other blessings in my life have I not counted lately?

I over heard a lady on the plane saying to her daughter that she could not wait to get into the swimming pool so that she could 'chillax'. That is a new 'combination' word that I had not come across before. Then I was reminded that at the end of the post I made a few weeks ago on the 'Daily Affirmation of Faith', there is a sentence at the end of it which says:-

I now receive God’s promised rest for this day (Heb. 4: 1-13). Therefore, I relax in the trust of faith, knowing that in the moment of temptation, trial, or need, the Lord Himself will be there as my strength and sufficiency (1 Cor. 10: 13).

So instead of continually dipping myself in a swimming pool for my relaxation, I intend (when possible) to quiet my mind and my heart before the Lord and use the holiday time to 'chillax' in thinking about the many blessings that He has given to me, which includes this holiday.

Finally a thought for to-day

Putting Christ first brings a blessing that lasts


  1. I think the photo you took is stunning. Alas I have not seen enough of the world to say I would become accustomed to such a sight from my window!

    I like the way you found a lesson in all this..

    Enjoy your holiday!!!

  2. Trevor, what a wonderful vacation for you and your wife. Just lovely. I will count your blessing for you. okay?

    Sadly, when we are blessed over and over again, we don't see the miracle in each precious gift anymore. (The biggest problem with the USA I'm afraid, but I'd better not hop down that bunny trail.)

    I am the President of overlooked blessings my friend. Day in and day out mommyhood can sometime be a tiring and begrudging job. But then, when I head off to bed and check each beautiful lump under their covers, I am reminded to thank Him.

    It's such a process, our daily walk with our Lord. Lifetime won't be long enough to thank Him for all we have been given. The greatest gift of all...Grace - unmerited favor, unearned, undeserved. I am so grateful today.

    ...now if only it would last until I go on my vacation!!! ;O)
