"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Monday, 31 October 2011

A Child's Question contd......................

These prophetic words came to life with the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord.
  1. He was to be of King David's family -  2Sam 7:12-16; Ps 89:3-4; 110:1; 132:11; Isa 9:6-7; 11:1
  2. He would be born of a Virgin -  Gen 3:15; Isa 7:14.
  3. He would be born in Bethlehem -  Micha 5:2
  4. He would sojourn in Egypt  -  Hos 11:1
  5. He would live in Galilee  -  Isa 9:1-2
  6. He would live in Nazareth - Isa 11:1
  7. He would be announced by an Elijah like herald -  Isa 40:3-5; Mal3:1; 4:5
  8. His birth would occasion a massacre of Bethlehem's children - Gen 35: 19-20 ; Jer 31:15
  9. His birth would proclaim a jubilee to the world - Isa 58:6; 61:1
  10. His mission would include the Gentiles - Isa 42: 1-4
  11. He would teach using parables - Isa 6: 9-10; Ps 78:2
  12. His ministry would be one of healing - Isa 53:4
  13. He would be disbelieved and rejected by the rulers - Ps 69:4; 118:22; Isa 6:10; 29:13; 53:1
  14. He would make a triumphal entry into Jerusalem - Zech 9:9; Ps 188:26
  15. He would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver - Zech 11: 1-13; Ps 41:9
  16. He would be given vinegar and gall - Ps 69:21
  17. He would be like a smitten shepherd - Zech 13:7
  18. His garments would have lots cast for them - Ps 22:18
  19. His side would be pierced - Zech 12:10; Ps 22:16
  20. He would have no broken bones through his crucifixion - Ex 12:46; Num 9:12; Ps 34:20
  21. He would die among the wicked - Isa 53: 9, 12
  22. His dying words foretold - Ps 22:1; 31:5
  23. He would be buried by a rich man - Isa 53:9
  24. He would rise from the dead on the 3rd day - Gen 22:4; Ps 16: 10-11; Jon 1:17
  25. Resurrection followed by the destruction of Jerusalem - Dan 9:26; 11:31; 12: 1,11
Remember that these verses were written hundreds and hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Truly only Jesus fulfilled all these prophesies.

Finally  .................. a thought for today

If you know that God's hand is in everything, you can leave everything in God's hands.

1 comment:

  1. Trevor,
    It has been too long; I have been waiting for the perfect words to spring into my head before reconnecting with you. However, God has been teaching me there is a time to plan and prepare, but at a certain point you just have to do. So that is just what I am doing. I do think and pray about you from time to time, I miss the days when we both would encourage one another and our God filled blogs. I feel like you have said a lot of good things in response to this 8 year old question and I cannot wait for the next installment.
    Love your brother in Christ,
