"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday 26 February 2009

Exceedingly Great Joy

In Matthew 2:10, it tells is about the reaction of the three wise men when they saw the star, that was pointing them to where Jesus was on the earth. But this same chapter tells us about other reactions much different than those of the wise men. King Herod wanted to know where Jesus the Messiah was so the he could eliminate him. The reaction of the scribes and the religious leaders seemed to be one of indifference and the city dwellers in Jerusalem were troubled. These same reactions are around today. The 'free thinkers', 'humanists,''atheists' et al, have the common view of killing off Jesus from our society. Many of the religious leaders are indifferent to his teachings and select passages of scripture that suit their particular viewpoint or lifestyle. Finally the people are troubled if they hear about Jesus preached to them and their need to repent from their sins.

But it is the phase "with exceedingly great joy" that jumps off the page at me. Enjoying God, talking about God, reflecting on God's goodness leads to joy. The joy of the Lord. The only time I am truly passionate in my speech is when I talk about the Lord or his works in my life. Then I like the wise men 'experience exceeding great joy.' Lord give me your joy in my life more often.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, it is encouraging, i hope you don't mind if i visit occasionally.
    "with exceeding great joy"
    Yes this is it, the one strength, the joy of the Lord. It rises me up from the worlds' drama with a smile not only on my face, but within my heart.
