"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Rest for the Soul

We live in the age of anxiety. Parents scared to let children out to play, people worried about walking down the street alone at night. Some people also say that it was just as bad many years ago, but I must admit that when I was growing up we seemed to live in a safer world. In the current environment many people live their lives where fear and greed compete to be their primary focus of living.

If we only stopped living our lives from our own strength, if we only relied on God's strength and protection. Now I must admit that I seem to be always dropping into a fearful state of mind. Thoughts of things that might happen to me and my family seem to hit my mind an a regular basis. I find myself running these thoughts over and over in my mind. before I start to realise what is going on. The overwhelming feeling I have after these 'thinking' events is fear. The fear of what might happen in the future.
It is a interesting fact that the topic of 'fear' is used in a variety of ways over 500 times. A couple of examples are: "Be not afraid of sudden fear." Proverbs 1:26, "The fear of man bringeth a snare."Proverbs 29:25.

The bible offers us an imposing number of precious promises linked to 'rest,' 'peace,''serenity.' as a perfect antidote to all our anxiety, despondency and dismay. Although the word 'worry' is not used in the bible, all it represents occupies a large place in biblical precepts and warnings. As a Christian, I should shun worry, because it is unbelief parading in disguise.

Tranquillity of our soul is the only proper antidote for worry. Even as Christians cares will come your way; but when they do we are called to cast our cares upon the Lord. I can hear someone saying,"you so not know my circumstances, my case is exceptional. You have no idea of what I am facing."

In Philippians 4:6 Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit said "Be not anxious ..... Be careful for nothing." There is no exception to this rule. The secret of not worrying is in the promise of Jesus that all the things we worry about will be taken care of if we only put him first.

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