"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Monday 30 March 2009

Part 5 Self - Righteousness

The most difficult part of this 'self' examination is now before me.

The problem with being self-righteous is that it is very difficult to see it in yourself, or at least I do. We have a tendency to judge ourselves by the standards of others around us.

Usually we are 'calibrated', to what we believe to be an acceptable moral standard, through our family upbringing. We have the influence of societies standards, usually taught in a school and / or work environment, developed as we interact with others from outside our families.

I have a personal belief, that more and more in what passes for acceptable moral standards, comes from the 'eye' that sits in the corner of most living rooms. Yes! the television that beams the daily 'soaps', the daily doses of so called reality television , all pumping out 'dross' that is called entertainment. The subtle message is repeated over and over again, always the same, over and over.

"This is the age of enlightenment, everyone has the right to do what they want to do. There is no absolute right or wrong!".

For a Christian (especially in the UK) to say that they believe that many of the topics being promoted in these programmes are a sin in the sight of God, leads to these Christians being labelled as 'Narrow Minded' and 'Bigoted'. There is no room for the concept that God's standards are not the standards of the world.

So what is my difficulty with self-righteousness? It comes down to 'judgement' not in terms of decision making but judgement of myself against others. I find it very easy to judge others, in an interview situation, I have found myself making a judgement on a prospective candidate, just as they entered the room, before they had a chance to speak a word.

But what about some introspection, some detailed self examination? Well! that is a different matter.

As I said in a previous post a few days ago. "I like me". So I do find it difficult to be critical of my actions, and even my motives for taking those actions. Many times I have found myself in the role of a Pharisee saying "I thank you Lord that I am not like those other people". Remember the line from the song "Oh! Lord it's hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way"should be playing in the background when those thoughts come to mind. (However: The next line in the same song I can easily reject as not being attributable to myself).

Ever find it difficult to think of a 'small size','medium size', 'big size' sin to confess to the Lord? We rank everything. It is as if we have an internal scale of justice that we use to measure our actions and other's actions against.

Other people's actions / motives on one side, and our actions / motives on the other side of the scale. My scales are not evenly balanced, I am very lenient when I judge my actions / motives, and I can usually come up with a justification or some mitigating circumstance that attempts to cover my tracks.

But I am reminded that the Eyes of the Lord can see through my deception.

It is only when I judge myself against God's perfect standards that I can see the gap in real performance. When I fall short of his perfect standard, I sin.

Isaiah 64:6 'But we are like an unclean thing, And all our righteousness's are like filthy rags; We all fade as a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, Have taken us away'.

God's appearance is so intense that it is like an all consuming fire that burns everything in it's path. No man can see God and live in his fallen state. If we are so impure how can we be saved? Only by God's mercy. He forgives us based upon the work of our Lord and his death upon the cross.

1Peter 2:24 'Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes we are healed'.

Lord help me live not in my own righteousness but remember that it was you who bore my sins and iniquities so that I might live. A sinner saved by grace.

Finally .......... a thought for to-day

Calvary's cross is the ONLY bridge to eternal life

Sunday 29 March 2009

Part 4 Self - Dependency

Lord do I have a tendency to do things alone without your help and guidance? I know the answer before asking the question.

Ever try to witness to someone without asking the Lord for help & guidance? Guilty.

Ever promise the Lord that you will do this and you won't do that and then reverse the order by not doing what you said you would do, and doing the things you said you would not do? Again Guilty.

Do you go ahead and try things that you know in your heart, in your very spirit the Lord is telling you, or has told you, not to do? Once more guilty.

I would love to say these types of self-dependencies have only been one-off occurrences in my life, but sad to say I am a very very slow learner and have repeated this pattern many times.
When I was growing up during my childhood, the biggest fear I had was not meeting what I believed to be my parents expectations. Expectations of academic success, expectations of attaining the same success as my brother, expectations of 'being a somebody'.

Looking back I am now convinced that these expectations were mostly in my own mind, but as a child when you know that you haven't the ability, either academically, or physically to attain certain objectives, and you so want to please your parents or loved ones, then to succeed you have to rely on your wits and become a master of illusion. The picture of a swan calmly moving on the surface of the water, while below the water the feet are frantically paddling away to keep afloat best illustrates the feelings I had at that time.
I became very dependent upon my own ability, I could not admit I needed help. I had to become self-dependent.

When the Lord saved me I knew that he wanted all of me. He wanted me to depend upon him for my life, for my future, for my very existence. I am still in this moulding process. I still have a tendency to hold onto the 'old man' and I still have a tendency to do things in my own strength but I am never failed by the Lord's love and forgiveness.
So it comes down to dying to self. (Everyday)

"Come unto me all you who are labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:28

Finally........... a thought for to-day

God gives strength in proportion to the strain

Thursday 26 March 2009

Part 3 Self-Centredness

I love me! - who do you love? If our body (flesh) could speak I am sure it would say exactly that. We use the word centre to ‘position’ things in the English language. We hear things like ‘Centre of the universe’, central government, central command etc. Young and not so young people ‘in love’ will often be heard to say to their loved ones, “you are the centre of my world”.

A bit of trivia I learned recently is that the town in which I was born, Banbridge in Northern Ireland is ‘the most central position’ on earth that is the furthest distance from known earthquake fault lines. So if you hate earthquakes it is a wonderful place to live.

So being self-centred puts me at the epicentre of my existence. The goal is to please number one. ME.

I find it interesting to reflect on these different aspects of self. They have tendency to merge into one another. But I am finding that there are subtle differences that can be discovered.

I view self-centredness as a character trait that does just what it says it will do. The self-centred objective will be to get what you want no matter the possible detrimental effects to others. I would go as far as to say that true self-centredness means that you will do anything to get your 'own' way.

So am I the centre of my world, or is Jesus the centre of my world? Oh! how I would love to be able to say to is the Lord Jesus that is my focus, my centre, but I know that I would be lying if I said that. I still do many things to please me. Knowing that I could be using my time to things that I know would please the Lord, still does not necessarily mean that I will put the Lord first. Often these can and do take second place in my life.

I have to make a conscious choice each day to put off the old man. I have to make a choice to die to self.

Finally .......... a thought for to-day

The world crowns success; God crowns faithfulness.

A Blessed Night Out

I was in Scotland this week on business. During that time I took the opportunity to visit one of my daughters' who is studying Politics and Religious studies at Stirling University (who said religion and politics cannot mix)? She attends a Pentecostal church at a small town called Larbert when she is not back home in Ireland. It just happened that this church along with a ministry in Northern Ireland called 'Drop Inn Ministries' http://www.dropinn.net/ had arranged for a gospel group called 'The Isaacs' from the USA to perform at some concerts in Northern Ireland and in Scotland to support the Drop Inn Ministries work. Wow, what a wonderful and blessed night that was. I was blown away with the Isaacs musical ability and am now a bluegrass fan. Gospel style.

Finally ....... a thought for to-day

You can gain knowledge on your own, but wisdom comes from God.

Monday 23 March 2009

Part 2 Self - Advancement

Following on from Yesterday's post, I am not sure that I am going to like this weeks review on SELF. I know what I said about myself 8 years ago and a cursory glance at what I wrote back then tells me that I have not moved on in many of the areas of my life.

Before I start, I have to say that I like me. I am very content with who I am, and I have no wish to model myself on anyone else apart from the Lord.

Therein lies the first problem. I like this me. I like to please and pamper this body of mine, I like to exercise my mind with things that interest me. As for my soul & spirit, well in thoseaspects of my life I let the Lord take care of that. But I am very aware that if I have not handed over my complete 'being' to the Lord, then an inner conflict can and does take place.

So how does this affect self-advancement in my life? The first sin committed by Adam was a case of self-advancement. Believing that he would become like God Adam ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequence for this sin required our Lord to redeem us back to God and the world and mankind has suffered ever since that day.

I believe that the desire for individuals to promote self, to be the head and not the tail. To lead and not to follow is in our fallen DNA.

As I approach retirement in a few years time I regret wasting so much energy on my quest for self advancement. The maneuvering, the worry, the fretting, is all vanity. Solomon is right life lived with that mindset is all vanity.

I wish that I had realised what I am about to say many years ago! An advantage to getting older is that you have a longer time to look back over, and in looking back, I can see that God has watched over me all my life, even before I became a Christian.

Through his grace I have prospered in all the jobs I have taken, and have been blessed in my marriage and in my family.

There is a saying that I use when talking about about experience which goes: 'Experience is something that tells you when you make the same mistake twice'.
But the truth about experience with the Lord is that learn that he can be relied upon to be with you, to guide you, to mature you in the things of God.

Humility, meekness and a servants heart, are not natural in the world. Most people would see those attributes as a weakness, I have never seen any business leader with those attributes, just the opposite.

Putting others first, walking that extra mile with those in need might be easy to do once in a while, but to do it continually in a life long service can only be realised through God's intervention in our lives.

Being God centred, moulded with God's DNA gives us his power that allows us to be humble, meek, and have a servants heart. In that condition we find true life.

Lord promote the advancement of your kingdom in my life and not my self-advancement.

Finally ........... a thought for to-day

To live for Christ, we must die to self.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Part 1 Self

I have grown accustomed to finding out that what the world values, what the world respects, what the world hold up as exemplar is 180 degrees opposite from what God values, respects and would most likely say is an exemplar standard of life.

As I have gotten older I have gone through some decades when the world changed it's focus and direction.

In the 60's the goal was for individuals to 'Find themselves'. The world was taken over with 'free love'. In the 70's the goal was to 'Improve yourself' pamper your inner being, in the 80's the goal was 'Please yourself' get more things like bigger cars, bigger houses, the 90's up to the present day is all about 'Expressing ourselves' it is all about me.

Notice the common thread? Self. The Lord told us to die to self to find true life. The world says live for self, please self, magnify self. I am always struck when watching shows like 'American Idol' or the UK version of the same programme called 'Pop Idol' (Please Note: I do not have ownership of the TV remote control) how the young hopefuls and the not so young hopefuls crave 'fame and fortune' how their 'lives will be over of they do not succeed to become the next Pop Idol'. Nothing wrong in getting on in this world but if your motivation is just to please self, then it will cause problems in any relationship with God.

There is a God shaped vacuum in every individual that cannot be filled with material things, or wild living, it can only be filled with God.

About 8 years ago I was on business in Montreal in Canada and I heard Dr Charles Stanley give a sermon on the topic of SELF LIFE. He asked listeners to examine themselves against the certain criteria. I did this 'self' examination of myself back then, and over the next week or so I intend to do it again. Maybe it is something that we should all do for ourselves on a regular basis.

Here are the criteria:

Self-Advancement – am I always trying to get ahead and think only of what people think of my status and of me.

Self-centredness – am I the centre of my world or is Jesus the centre of my world.

Self-dependency – do I have a way of doing it alone with God’s help and guidance.

Self-righteousness – do I feel that I do not need God’s forgiveness.

Self-sufficiency – do I feel that I don’t need God and his love and guidance?

Self-will – Do I insist on doing it my way.

Just as a contrast in Galatians 5 verse 22 & 23 it says:
‘But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Finally .......... A though for today

The Bible is a mirror that lets us see ourselves as God sees us

Thursday 19 March 2009

The Speed of Love

To-day the Lord blessed me with joy. He really lifted me out of the valley, and despite people in work trying to ruin this joy filled day I managed to finish work still joyful.

My life, in and around work is currently operating at 150 MPH. No time to think, no time to reflect, only WORK. The mantra seems to be 'pace pace pace'. Sometime it changes to 'speed speed speed'. Apparently there are sections in Montana in the USA that defines the speed limit on the roads by words not numbers. Drivers are asked to drive at a speed that is 'reasonable and prudent'. One motorist was clocked doing 150MPH. The same speed as my work life.

Now those that really know me, know that I like to think about things. I like to ruminate, to chew the cud, to take my time, before leaping into action. Well! not really leaping more lurching into action.

Now! I am not so laid back that I am horizontal, but as I said I am working at the fastest pace I have every done in my 43 years of work experience. At lunch time to-day I had to 'dash out' from a 'webex' meeting (internet based conference call) with my boss who was in Indianapolis in the US to do a second talk following on from last weeks talk (12th March) to a small Christian fellowship group in work. As I was going up the stairs I said a quick prayer to the Lord that he would quieten my mind and my heart, slow me down was the real plea. I was still operating at speed, my mind not focused on the talk, it would be considered neither 'reasonable and prudent' that I gave this talk in that frame of mind. But the Lord did quieten my mind and the talk went ahead.

The talk was the second part of a review I was doing on a book entitled "I became a Christian and all I got was this lousy t-shirt", by Vince Antonucci. As I was going through my the review I was struck, or should I correctly say the Lord 'focused' my mind upon a small portion of this book. It was all about 'SPEED' to be precise 'GOD's SPEED'.

I can 'influence' the speed of my work life, but I realised that I can control the speed of my life outside work. No one else sets my speed limit outside work. The Lord asks us to go to a quite place, a meeting place were we can abide with him. You cannot abide at a fast pace, it is too frenetic.

Even though the Lord was extremely busy, the bible tells us that he made time to pray to his father, made time to stop and heal people, made time to produce an environments where people loved to be in his presence such as the time where Mary could sit at his feet, while Martha was 'busy' preparing food. We know who the Lord commended, for their actions and it wasn't the one being busy (can you imagine Martha cooking for a house full of people with no help, 'speed speed speed, pace pace pace' must have been one of her concerns hence her 'request' for help).

So what is God's speed? A Japanese theologian called Kosuke Koyama wrote:

God walks "slowly" because he is love. If he is not love he would have gone much faster. Love has its speed. It is an inner speed. it is a spiritual speed. It is a different kind of speed from the technological speed to which we are accustomed..... It goes on in the depth of our life whether we notice or not, whether we are currently hit by storm or not at three miles an hour. It is the speed we walk and therefore it is the speed the love of God walks.

Jesus said "Follow me". I am doing 150MPH in one direction and the Lord is saying follow in my footsteps, abide with me. I need to slow down and walk at the Lord's speed. I need to stroll at 3 MPH the speed of love, the speed of calm reflection, in the footsteps and by default in the direction the Lord is leading at a speed set by God to true LIFE.

Finally ........... a thought for to-day

A cubicle in work can seem like a padded cell without a door. (Prayer and mediation on the Lord frees us from bondage and captivity)

Friday 6 March 2009

The Perfect 'Earthly' Relationship

The bible tells us that we are created in God's image. The bible also tells us that God is love. So I can only conclude that we are designed by God to love and be loved. When God made Adam he determined that it was not good that he should be alone, so God made a companion for Adam a woman called Eve. The first God ordained marriage between a man and a woman was the result.

It is very clear in the warnings given throughout the Bible, against sins such as adultery ,that marriage and the sacredness of marriage is very, very important in God's eyes. There is a linking of souls when a man and a woman come together as man a wife. God calls it 'one flesh'.

I am blessed by have a loving wife, who is my love, and my 'soul mate'. When I think about the degree of love that we have for each other, we are so in tune with each other that we have become 'one flesh'. The trust, love and selflessness of her love to me and our 'girls' is a priceless gift.

We choose to love someone, it is a choice. Many people find that after the first few years of married life that the original attractiveness of their partner has faded, and a relationship based upon appearance will fail over time. No amount of 'youth' creams and 'anti-aging' products can hold back the effects of time on our faces and bodies.

It is interesting that the world looks on the outward appearance of a person and judges them by how they look and what they possess. You do not see 'ordinary' people on the front of some of these expensive magazines, no, in the main you see lovers of publicity, lovers of fame, lovers of self.

God on the other hand looks at our hearts. He is interested in how we appear to him as our true selves. He looks at our heart for our 'beauty'.

May I remember to thank the Lord on a regular basis for the love between Hazel my wife and myself. May I also remember that without your help any inner beauty in my heart will wither and die. Lord I thank you for this perfect relationship that I have with my Hazel. She was, is and will always be one of your greatest gifts to me. Thank you my Lord.

Finally ............A thought for to-day:

Oh! to live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says, "Oh no....she's/he's awake!!"

Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Perfect Relationship

Lord in these days when I am so busy it seems that my life revolves around work and not around you. The net effect of that is that I become less sensitive to hearing your voice, heeding your guidance. My heart seems to get harder and less caring, I become 'me' centric and others are of less importance. It's as if the more I drift from God's love and influence in my life, I turn into myself, to my strength to fill the void.

The answer? I know the answer. Taking time out of the day for quiet communion with the Lord. Giving him the opportunity to minister to my soul. So easy to say, so difficult to achieve on a consistent basis.

I know from past experience that my strength is not sufficient to live a full satisfying life. Lord remind me that the Christian life needs you at the core, you as the focus, you as the power.

It's all about you and for you, but the wonderful thing about it is, that with the right focus, I am blessed, I am built up, I am enriched. You Lord do not need my company to be fulfilled but I on the other hand need you in my life for completeness as a human being, living as you designed me to live.

Finally ........................A thought for to-day

I'm really easy to get along with - once you people learn to see it MY way. (how often do we live with that frame of mind)?

Monday 2 March 2009

23rd Psalm for the Workplace

I came across this version of the 23rd Psalm with a modern viewpoint connected to work. I do not know the author's name, but I think that is very apt for this economic climate we face, and the uncertainities of job stability.

23rd Psalm for the Workplace

The Lord is my real boss and I shall not want,
He gives me peace when chaos is all around me.
He gently reminds me to pray before I speak and to do all things
without murmuring and complaining.
He reminds me that he is my source and not my job,
He restores my sanity every day and guides my decisions that I might honour him in everything I do.

Even though I face absurd amounts of Emails, system crashes, unrealistic deadlines, budget cutbacks, gossiping co-workers, discriminating managers, and an aging body that doesn't cooperate every morning, I will not stop - - for he is with me!

His presence, His peace, and power will see me through.
He raises me up, even when they fail to promote me.
He claims me as His own, even when the company threatens to let me go.

His faithfulness and love are better than any bonus payment,
His retirement plan beats every pension plan there is.
When it's all said and done, I'll be working for him a whole lot longer and for that, I bless his Name.

Finally..... a thought for to-day:

Your mouth is the microphone of your heart.