"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Perfect Relationship

Lord in these days when I am so busy it seems that my life revolves around work and not around you. The net effect of that is that I become less sensitive to hearing your voice, heeding your guidance. My heart seems to get harder and less caring, I become 'me' centric and others are of less importance. It's as if the more I drift from God's love and influence in my life, I turn into myself, to my strength to fill the void.

The answer? I know the answer. Taking time out of the day for quiet communion with the Lord. Giving him the opportunity to minister to my soul. So easy to say, so difficult to achieve on a consistent basis.

I know from past experience that my strength is not sufficient to live a full satisfying life. Lord remind me that the Christian life needs you at the core, you as the focus, you as the power.

It's all about you and for you, but the wonderful thing about it is, that with the right focus, I am blessed, I am built up, I am enriched. You Lord do not need my company to be fulfilled but I on the other hand need you in my life for completeness as a human being, living as you designed me to live.

Finally ........................A thought for to-day

I'm really easy to get along with - once you people learn to see it MY way. (how often do we live with that frame of mind)?

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