"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday 26 March 2009

Part 3 Self-Centredness

I love me! - who do you love? If our body (flesh) could speak I am sure it would say exactly that. We use the word centre to ‘position’ things in the English language. We hear things like ‘Centre of the universe’, central government, central command etc. Young and not so young people ‘in love’ will often be heard to say to their loved ones, “you are the centre of my world”.

A bit of trivia I learned recently is that the town in which I was born, Banbridge in Northern Ireland is ‘the most central position’ on earth that is the furthest distance from known earthquake fault lines. So if you hate earthquakes it is a wonderful place to live.

So being self-centred puts me at the epicentre of my existence. The goal is to please number one. ME.

I find it interesting to reflect on these different aspects of self. They have tendency to merge into one another. But I am finding that there are subtle differences that can be discovered.

I view self-centredness as a character trait that does just what it says it will do. The self-centred objective will be to get what you want no matter the possible detrimental effects to others. I would go as far as to say that true self-centredness means that you will do anything to get your 'own' way.

So am I the centre of my world, or is Jesus the centre of my world? Oh! how I would love to be able to say to is the Lord Jesus that is my focus, my centre, but I know that I would be lying if I said that. I still do many things to please me. Knowing that I could be using my time to things that I know would please the Lord, still does not necessarily mean that I will put the Lord first. Often these can and do take second place in my life.

I have to make a conscious choice each day to put off the old man. I have to make a choice to die to self.

Finally .......... a thought for to-day

The world crowns success; God crowns faithfulness.


  1. Hey, I have started to follow your blogs via Kevin(killingapathy) and this post has really spoken to me. I'm glad you were led to post this and the thought of the day reminded me of a really good song, don't know if you have heard it but it is so long self by Mercy Me. If you get a chance you should look it up on youtube or something if you haven't heard it before.

  2. Wonderful post. You truly understand us fallen, fleshly people!

    Joanne :O)

    p.s. ...and from a California earthquake gal,as long as no one gets hurt, they really are pretty fun.
