"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Sunday 22 March 2009

Part 1 Self

I have grown accustomed to finding out that what the world values, what the world respects, what the world hold up as exemplar is 180 degrees opposite from what God values, respects and would most likely say is an exemplar standard of life.

As I have gotten older I have gone through some decades when the world changed it's focus and direction.

In the 60's the goal was for individuals to 'Find themselves'. The world was taken over with 'free love'. In the 70's the goal was to 'Improve yourself' pamper your inner being, in the 80's the goal was 'Please yourself' get more things like bigger cars, bigger houses, the 90's up to the present day is all about 'Expressing ourselves' it is all about me.

Notice the common thread? Self. The Lord told us to die to self to find true life. The world says live for self, please self, magnify self. I am always struck when watching shows like 'American Idol' or the UK version of the same programme called 'Pop Idol' (Please Note: I do not have ownership of the TV remote control) how the young hopefuls and the not so young hopefuls crave 'fame and fortune' how their 'lives will be over of they do not succeed to become the next Pop Idol'. Nothing wrong in getting on in this world but if your motivation is just to please self, then it will cause problems in any relationship with God.

There is a God shaped vacuum in every individual that cannot be filled with material things, or wild living, it can only be filled with God.

About 8 years ago I was on business in Montreal in Canada and I heard Dr Charles Stanley give a sermon on the topic of SELF LIFE. He asked listeners to examine themselves against the certain criteria. I did this 'self' examination of myself back then, and over the next week or so I intend to do it again. Maybe it is something that we should all do for ourselves on a regular basis.

Here are the criteria:

Self-Advancement – am I always trying to get ahead and think only of what people think of my status and of me.

Self-centredness – am I the centre of my world or is Jesus the centre of my world.

Self-dependency – do I have a way of doing it alone with God’s help and guidance.

Self-righteousness – do I feel that I do not need God’s forgiveness.

Self-sufficiency – do I feel that I don’t need God and his love and guidance?

Self-will – Do I insist on doing it my way.

Just as a contrast in Galatians 5 verse 22 & 23 it says:
‘But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Finally .......... A though for today

The Bible is a mirror that lets us see ourselves as God sees us


  1. I now have read all your blogs thus far; I couldn’t find one that did not bring me joy. You are endowed, in linguistics, knowledge, but above all roots in the giver of all your talents including the ones just mentioned, God. I have boasted, one of my bad qualities, of my silver tongue, but comparative my tongue is unpurified back to iron weighing it down to the bottom of my mouth.

    The grass is always greener on the other side, like most clichés that phrase is over said but the meaning is under practiced. I find I often fail, and come short of Gods glory before realizing I have sinned. You should not compare yourself to any (wo)man, for we are all sinners. Sin has no scale in the eyes of God, so we are all equally unworthy of His grace. Still He presents us of such grace. So we should do our best to glorify Him, with the gifts He gave us. Let us not look at what He gave our friends, or foes, with yearning in our eyes. Instead keep your eyes on our savior, and thank Him for all He gave you including His perfect forgiveness. I wrote the first paragraph before realizing I was glorifying you, not the Lord, the focus of both our blogs. Encouraging words are good especially when encouraging the spreading of the Gospel, just be sure not to have encouraging cross the line into idolizing.

    I did not restart my response, to give an example of the meaning I was trying to get across. I’ve used some key words that would leave you to infer I was talking about you, but those words are used so when I go back and reread, my words will then be talking to me. I do find this to be helpful advice to all who reads it.

    Your blogs have made me think about my walk which is always good to think about, I would like to thank you for that and urge you to keep pressing on. I wrote this then wondered if I should send it to you, I don't know what kind of effect it will have on you, as for the more substance there is no greater substance than God, so again I fall short but I know I will not exceed His expectation He desires perfection.

  2. First, let me say how nice it is to meet you. You are a gifted writer. I have so enjoyed reading your blog posts here. Dr. Stanley is one of the few TV pastors that I respect. I so love his show. We even get his devotions by mail.

    I wish I could say this self-examination was successful for me. It couldn't have come at a better time. Dying to self is a daily thing, and I am sad to say that it has been quite a few days since I've given mine a death sentence. Thank you for the reminder :O)


    p.s. I thought I read somewhere that you are from England. Forgive my ignorance, but I didn't realize that the Free Love 60's stuff was as prevelant there. Being from the Bay Area in California, unfortunately, it is still alive and well out here.
