"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Friday 6 March 2009

The Perfect 'Earthly' Relationship

The bible tells us that we are created in God's image. The bible also tells us that God is love. So I can only conclude that we are designed by God to love and be loved. When God made Adam he determined that it was not good that he should be alone, so God made a companion for Adam a woman called Eve. The first God ordained marriage between a man and a woman was the result.

It is very clear in the warnings given throughout the Bible, against sins such as adultery ,that marriage and the sacredness of marriage is very, very important in God's eyes. There is a linking of souls when a man and a woman come together as man a wife. God calls it 'one flesh'.

I am blessed by have a loving wife, who is my love, and my 'soul mate'. When I think about the degree of love that we have for each other, we are so in tune with each other that we have become 'one flesh'. The trust, love and selflessness of her love to me and our 'girls' is a priceless gift.

We choose to love someone, it is a choice. Many people find that after the first few years of married life that the original attractiveness of their partner has faded, and a relationship based upon appearance will fail over time. No amount of 'youth' creams and 'anti-aging' products can hold back the effects of time on our faces and bodies.

It is interesting that the world looks on the outward appearance of a person and judges them by how they look and what they possess. You do not see 'ordinary' people on the front of some of these expensive magazines, no, in the main you see lovers of publicity, lovers of fame, lovers of self.

God on the other hand looks at our hearts. He is interested in how we appear to him as our true selves. He looks at our heart for our 'beauty'.

May I remember to thank the Lord on a regular basis for the love between Hazel my wife and myself. May I also remember that without your help any inner beauty in my heart will wither and die. Lord I thank you for this perfect relationship that I have with my Hazel. She was, is and will always be one of your greatest gifts to me. Thank you my Lord.

Finally ............A thought for to-day:

Oh! to live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says, "Oh no....she's/he's awake!!"

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