"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Friday 22 May 2009


Being the proud father of three wonderful daughters, all saved by the grace of God, I would do anything for each and every one of them. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful wife and three great children, or should I say young women.

Psa 127:4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth.

I look back over the years, I see the hand of God on their lives. Last year my eldest daughter Jennifer is now working as a graduate trainee in one of the major banks in Dublin in Southern Ireland.

One of my twin girls, Amanda is graduating next month with a degree in Theology. She is also getting married in July this year, and then will return to Belfast Bible College to study for a Masters degree in Theology.

Finally, there is Gillian my other twin. I am preparing to travel to Scotland tomorrow to meet up with Gillian. She is studying at Stirling University in Scotland a mix of Biblical studies and politics and is also finishing her degree next week. She will be returning home to Ireland next Thursday the Lord willing.

This next few days could have been a very sad time for her leaving her friends she has made in the church that has adopted her as one of their own. The Lord has blessed her with Godly friends looking out got her welfare.

Pro 12:26 The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray.

But this sad leaving has been put back for a couple of years. Again the Lord has blessed her by allowing her to return to Stirling University next February, to start a post graduate course studying for a MSc degree in Social Work.

So why the long trip north to meet up with Gillian? I am her 'flat contents removal team', one car, one 'not so' fit manual labourer with two arms and a desire to help.

As I write this she is meant to be deciding what items to leave with friends in Scotland and what to ship home with me to Ireland. I hope she gets the balance right. Too little, and it will have been a wasted journey and too much, well that creates it's own problem.

Interestingly, all these events in the lives of my three daughters can all be traced back to the hand of God. The jobs, the degree courses, the husband to be, are all the result of the work of the Lord. Each event has twists and turns that can only be attributed to divine interventions. I give him the praise and glory.

Lord thank you for your love and care. Thank you for family, thank you for love, thank you for your saving grace.

Finally .............. a thought for to-day

Because God gives us everything, we owe Him all our praise


  1. O Trevor...how blessed you are! And how blessed your daughters as well.

    I have twin girls, 22 and one is due to give birth to my first grandchild this week...never imagined being a grandmother while still in my 40's!

    I very much like yoru blog and the thought you put at the end of each post.

    I look forward to hearing about the bog moving adventure!

  2. Praying that you will have supernatural energy to lift and move your daughters things this weekend.

    What a wonderful dad you are!
