"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday 7 May 2009

My Testimony - Part 6 - The Curse Removed

At the end of the prophetic discipleship course was a weekend retreat. On the Friday night we were having a 'getting to know you meeting' followed by a service lead by a guest pastor who was from the south of England and his wife.

I remember talking to someone and ended up telling them the story of my great grandmother, her miraculous healing and how she prayed for me as a young boy. I also told this person that the family was scared to tell her anything that she would disapprove of such as going to the cinema, no matter what the film was it was off limits in her mind.

I told this person that she would never ask a person she met "How are you", she would always ask "Are you saved"? We had a laugh about this during which I had this thought come to mind. It went like this "Actually Trevor she was not enquiring about the person's physical health but their spiritual health"! Oh! I remember how this brought me up short.

I proceeded to the back of the room before the service started and took the last chair on the back row, right next to the exit door. Then internally my mind started to scream "get out of here, leave now". "You do not fit in here, you are right beside the door, no-one will see you go". I wanted to leave, and was just about to get up when I heard the guest pastor's wife say to the assembled congregation "There is someone in this room who wants to leave, don't do it! Stay". I expected all eyes to turn to look at me the 'outsider' but none did and I did stay on for the service.

I had a decision to make go home or stay for the rest of the weekend. But after the word from the pastors wife, I decided to stay, God must have not finished with me. The next day the prophetic discipleship course members congregated in a small beautiful chapel. We all sat around the room with our backs to the wall and after prayer people began to give words of knowledge and explain visions they were seeing. One girl turned to me and said that see saw me in a deep sea divers suit. She said she felt the Lord was saying that I could go as deep with him as I wanted to.

Another young man called Jenson said that he saw a vision of a black bell, except that it was not a bell which was behind a pane of glass, and that the glass shattered to reveal the bell. That vision meant nothing to anyone in the room.

Then it came to Glynis the course leader, and she said she saw a vision of a multi-coloured cockrel with the word Masonic written above it. Bang! My memory sped back to the time when I was about twenty one. I was persuaded by a friend that to progress in work you needed connections, and he thought that the best way was by joining a Masonic lodge. So I was accepted into the local lodge and went through the first initiation rights.

I hated it, when the initiation was over I swore that I would never go back to that dark, evil place. But, I forgot that I had taken an oath during that initiation process, an oath that I had forgot about but the Lord had not.

When I told the people that I had joined the Masonic order many years ago, and the visiting pastor said that they needed to pray for me. That afternoon while the majority of the people on the course were doing other things I found myself in the middle of this small chapel surrounded by four or five people. The visiting pastor explained that the Masons were indeed influenced by demonic activity and that my oath was quite literally a death sentence.

They proceeded to lay hands on me and I remember quite vividly in my mind I took a scroll of paper, ripped it into small pieces while I renounced my oath. I asked the Lord for his forgiveness and mercy and then from the top of my head as the words left my lips this 'tingle' like I had never experienced before in my life proceeded to move down from the crown of my head to the middle of my body. I said nothing to anyone, but I knew it was the Holy Spirit that had come upon me and that my curse was broken. Praise and honour to his power and to his name.

Finally ............ a thought for to-day

The wonder of it all--just to think that God loves me

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