"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday 28 May 2009

Our 'wee' Dog

Being away from home quite a bit with my job I have been asked a few times if the kids love to see me come home. I can honestly say that to this day I get the most wonderful reception as I enter the front door on a Friday evening. Our 'wee' dog Pebbles loves to see me coming home. She runs rings round me, jumps up on me and generally goes mad for a few minutes.

When the kids were at home it was a "Hi dad" and a quick kiss before they went about their activities, normal life as far as they were concerned. Pebbles on the other hand would follow me around for the next half hour or so just wanting to be stroked, to welcome me back home. She still does it to this day. She is trustworthy, loyal, kind, quite spirited, a dog with a calm nature, but most of all a loving dog.

Now with that last paragraph you would think that the poor dog is neglected by the rest of the family, by the way that she greets me! That paints a wrong picture. This dog is loved, cherished and cared for beyond what anyone could consider as normal. She has pride of place on Hazel's lap each night and when the girls are at home it is more cuddles, more attention, more care.

Pebbles is a miniature Schnauzer with some physical problems. She is 12 years old prone to fits, now controlled by drugs and by my estimate she 95% blind. She had problems with her eyes for a few years and Hazel treated those eyes day and daily, to hold back the degradation that was taking place in both eyes.

For some reason that we cannot fathom, she went into a Anaphylactic shock some time last year, and was at death's door for over a week. She spent that time at the vet's and with his care and lots of prayer she was well enough to return home. Unfortunately, her eyes were not treated during that time and she lost her sight. A few months later we had to have one of her eyes removed and now there is a hole right in the centre of the remaining eye, but we are convinced that she can see things (shadows) when it is bright enough. I am amazed how she navigates around things in the house, and seldom bumps into anything. You would never know that she is nearly blind by the way she acts.

We have spent a fortune on our wee dog, what with medicines and vet bills etc, but she is part of the family and has been a real blessing to us all since we got her as a puppy. So we will continue to do all we can for her, for the rest of her remaining years. Giving back what she has freely given to us ........Love.

In work I have a poster on the wall that says "Lord make me the type of person my dog thinks I am".

So finally ............. a thought for to-day must be

Lord, make me the type of person my dog thinks I am!

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