"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Sunday 3 May 2009

My Testimony - Part 4 - A Big Regret

I went on to complete the Alpha course. It was during this period of time I would ask the Lord a question, open my bible and there was the answer to my question. I cannot say that I was following what some people might think of as correct procedures in reaching out to God, But I can only suppose that back then the Lord was still 'getting my attention',

Back then, as it still is to this present day, I still find it difficult to concentrate during prayer time, and back then as happens now the enemy of my soul is always in full attack mode. During prayer my mind seems to flit all over the place.

One particular night as I tried to pray my mind was full of chatter’. That goes no way close to explaining what was going on in my head. It was not a normal level of random thoughts but a screaming mass of noise. I thought that my head would explode.

I cried out to the Lord for help and immediately my mind cleared. Now that word 'cleared' does not adequately explain the experience. No noise, nothing. Pure silence. Intense clarity.

I realised that my mind was sharper than it ever had been. I was amazed, and I knew that the Lord had done this for me. From chaos & confusion to peace and tranquillity. It was a ‘twinkling of an eye’ moment.

Then I did the most amazing thing, a thing I regret to this day, a thing that pains me every time I think about it. I said "Thank you Lord" and got up off my knees and returned to the 'old man' status. What might have happened next I will never know!

Why? Why did I do such a stupid thing? I cannot answer. What might have happened next, always comes to mind when I recall this event. I have said, sorry many times to the Lord, when I remembered this event, and writing this down makes me say ‘sorry Lord’ one more time.

During the summer holidays my girls (my daughters) came over to England and stayed with me and my wife travelled over each weekend. I knew that the difference between the church back home and the local churches (including the one in which I attended the Alpha course) was huge. The differences were in praise and worship the teaching, they wanted life in a service, and I must admit so did I.

Following a bit of 'surfing the net' I discovered that there was another church in Derby in England that ran 'Alpha' courses called the 'Community Church Derby'. My wife Hazel & I 'checked out' this church before the girls arrived for the summer. The praise and worship was wonderful and best of all the people were wonderful.

I had found my second spiritual home, A place & people that would have a huge impact on me as I started our on my walk with the Lord. How big an impact I will cover in the next couple of posts.

Finally .......... a thought for to-day

Salvation is given, not earned.

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