"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday 26 May 2009

What's in a Name

After a couple of days rest feel like my 'old' self. I have the house to myself to-day and I am presently just watching the birds at the bird feeder in the garden.

My eldest daughter has just phoned to say that she has passed one of her bank exams. It was something that she was worried about for a couple of weeks. Once again it made me think that everyone has some form of stress and pressure in day to day living. Pressure in work, pressure at home, pressure from others forcing you to do what thy want you to do.

I think of the pressures that our children face day and daily, to conform to the worlds standards. The pressure must be immense. It has taken me years to realise, that it is only by God's love and protection, and a parents love, can our children have any hope of standing firm on what they know and have been taught to be, the 'correct' way to live their lives.

The role of the family unit has a key part to play in a child's development into a young adult. The trust, respect and love between parents and their children are vital if our children are to mature into the kind of people that we would like them to be. But more importantly into the kind of people who know the Lord and walk in his steps.

My daughter Gillian (who's flat I have just cleared last weekend) told me a few weeks ago that her friends thought it strange that she called me 'dad' and my wife Hazel 'mum', and they were surprised to hear that my other two girls do the same. Apparently the 'cool thing' now is to use the parents first name, when they became teenagers. I have no problem with that, for other teenagers / young adults to call their parents by their first name, but what would I feel like if my girls started to call me Trevor? Call me un-cool, but I know I would hate it!

I was blessed more than Gillian will ever know, when she said she could never consider calling me anything but Dad or Daddy. Funny how a simple sentence can mean so much. Sentimental old fool some might say! Guilty! as charged I would reply, with a heart lifted by her words.

So what's in a name? Gillian's comment made me realise that this name, this title of 'DAD', 'DADDY' or 'MUM', 'MUMMY' are names and titles of honour. I did not esteem my title until she told me this story, and what it meant to her to call me Dad.

Makes you realise that our father in heaven must love it when we lovingly call him 'ABBA', 'PAPA'.

Lord, Help me fulfil the intent of the thought for to-day.

Finally ............ a thought for to-day

A godly parent is a child's best guide to God.

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