"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it". Matthew 7:13-14

Thursday 7 May 2009

My Testimony - Part 7 - Answered Prayer

Well! A couple of weeks ago, I said in this blog that I had to give my testimony to some people at work. I gave my testimony today to the small fellowship group, and I am so glad that I had been documenting my testimony in this blog! It has made me re-live the work the Lord has done in my life.

I have told very few people of that Saturday on the prophetic discipleship week end away. Even less people about the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Going back to that weekend away, I remember that I was a bit subdued instead of being elated after the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I was told by the visiting pastor that I looked different, but I was wondering 'what happened to me'. Again I should have told those people with me what happened to me, but once again I just kept quiet and worked things out in my own mind. The Lord by his grace helped me understand.

Later that night as I lay on my bed I began to thank the Lord for what he had done for me that day, and then the Lord revealed the meaning of the vision that Jenson had earlier that day. In that vision he said that he saw a vision of a black bell, except that it was not a bell. This bell was behind a pane of frosted glass, and that the glass shattered to reveal the bell.

My mind was immediately taken back to the time that my great grandmother prayed for me as a young child. I remembered her standing there dressed as she always did in a long black dress that went down to her ankles. The only other colour of clothing showing was a white collar of a blouse round her neck. She did look like a black bell in shape, but the real clincher was that the family always addressed her as Granny Bell. Bell was her married surname. The glass shattering was the revelation to me that this was the answer to her prayer, that she prayed over me 40+ years ago asking the Lord to save me, I now knew that prayer was answered.

I encourage all of you who are praying for loved ones, maybe you have children who are a bit wild, maybe your spouse is far from the Lord! Continue, continue and continue to pray for their salvation, for it is in the Lord’s timing, by his sovereign will that he answers such prayers. It will be wonderful to meet with my great grandmother some day in eternity. But all honour must go to the Lord to whom I give all my thanks and praise.

The next day (Sunday) at this weekend away, I had told Hazel my wife what had happened to me, and she said "I wonder if the Lord has a word for me"? He certainly had, but that is her testimony and not mine, but it did lead as a step to her salvation. Now all my family have come to know and acknowledge the Lord as our saviour.

You will have noticed in this testimony that I did not tell you when I was 'reborn' and the answer is I do not know the date nor the time. Some people can say I was born on such a date and reborn on this date. I cannot do that, but I know in my heart that the Lord has saved me.

Since then I have been up on the mountain top a few times in the walk with the Lord and have spent quite some time down in some valleys. I can testify that when the world drags me into it's clutches and the enemy attacks that the Lord is always faithful to 'put my feet back on solid rock'.

My journey to the narrow gate is not always smooth. I have a tendency to please my family and fellow men before pleasing the Lord. I also have a discipline problem where my mind and focus flits from thing to thing. This is a big barrier to establishing regular quiet time with the Lord.

But the desire of my heart more than anything else, is to draw close to him, to walk where he walks. But I find by my own power this is impossible. The Lord knows of this desire of mine and a few months ago I read this article about keeping a journal, at the same time I purchased some excellent journalling software.

Then I felt compelled to learn to touch type after years of using one finger on each hand to punch the keyboard. So I have reached an average speed of 40 WPM with a 96% level of accuracy (told you I like facts and data)! I will never get a job as a secretary but I can now type with my eyes closed!!!!!

Then I felt it was right to start a blog to share my walk, and even if nobody read it, I was talking to the Lord and spending quality time with him, writing what was on my heart. I have been blessed and encouraged by you the reader of my thoughts. Thank you for all your kind comments, but once again it is the Lord's hand at work in my life.

So here we are. Every breath is a gift from God, health, family, job all huge blessings. Wonderful wife and a great life. ALL due to him, the one who loved me so much that he paid my debt of sin. One who loves you so much that he paid your debt as well.

Following the Lord is about relationship not religion. It is about love not rules. It is about doing what we were designed to do. Love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength and with all our minds.

Mighty Lord, might Saviour, I am a sinner saved by YOUR grace.

Finally ............. a thought for to-day

To give your life to Christ now is to keep it forever

1 comment:

  1. Your testimony was very honest, I find it honorable how you looked past what people of this world my think of some parts of your testimony, and focused on what is important. Your testimony helped my walk a great deal because I deal with some of the same things you did and have been comforted by the grace of God. It is reassuring to see the power of God work when you trust in Him. I also want to tell you personally that I am not writing the next part of my testimony quiet yet, I am still in the same setting as when “part 2” started so I am going to wait until I can look back on this part of my walk with added insight and tell everyone how it paned out.
